Monday, March 13, 2017

Chapter 7

Image result for thinking gif
Chapter 7 is different than the past few chapters in that  discusses ways that technology can assist in problem solving. The chapter begins by breaking down the steps to problem solving, starting with understanding the problem, using problem solving strategies and finally checking your results. Adhering to these steps is particularly important when thinking about real-world issues because as the text states, they are often called ill-structured problems; problems that have no clear solution or simple formula to work through.

Image result for higher order thinking gifThis being said, it is often these ill-structured problems that are the most satisfying to solve due to their complex nature and provide the greatest learning opportunity. The chapter then explains the differences between hardware and software as both are further discussed as methods/tools to use for problem solving. They key is utilizing technology to problem solve, is to determine what type of software is appropriate for the students needs.
Image result for higher order thinkingEvaluating possible software and applications is imperative to ascertain the program's validity. Criteria such as, having a complex story line with open ended activities, meaningful and age appropriate characters who are learning companions, and opportunities for replaying the game with different outcomes, are all characteristics of a computer program or game that encourages higher order thinking skills as opposed to playing a game that is more of a time consumer. there are several recommended resources to aid in the selection process such as which allows the user to determine the safety of the programs being used.

Image result for email gifThe chapter also discusses the three types of problem solving and inquiry learning software. Composing and calculating software refers to writing and mathematics programs. Writing programs can forgo the immediate use of moving past a pen and paper, but also learning how to write for a website or how to communicate by email. Building inventing and creating software, is related to hands on materials as it provides students with environments for interactive and engaging explorations. Examples of building, inventing and creating software are google earth and kid pix. Visual thinking and concept mapping software are programs that let teachers and students outline ideas visually.

1) Should the social deficiency acquired in gaming be considered when using educational computer games?
2) How early is it to begin instructing students to build their own software?

1 comment:

  1. Nesrin,
    Great post! I liked how you pointed out that creative softwares such as Google Earth and Kid Pix are ways of visual thinking and concept mapping that outline ideas visually. It is very important for kids to see what they are doing, because as John Dewey believes, kids learn by doing. In this case, technology greatly helps kids learn by doing. As to your second question, I believe that since kids grow up with technology today, instructing students to build their own software can probably begin even in first grade since they are often familiar with many technology tools at that age.
    -Olivia Marchelska
