Monday, February 6, 2017

Chapter Five

Chapter five discusses the engagement of learners using digital tools, as the title states. The chapter discusses different search engines and how to use them, how to properly evaluate online sources, and how to appropriately use the internet as, as the texts states primarily on page 117, “digital citizens”.

Search engines can be used for different types of inquiries such as an information search, information research and retrieval, a free text search, a keyword/ exact match search and a boolean search. These inquiries can be used to research topics or further student learning in and outside of the classroom. 
Image result for cyber bullying gifAlthough there can be many useful websites online, a search engine may produce a website that can be age inappropriate or may have information not exactly relevant to the student’s inquiry. Several strategies to conduct effective searches include introducing search engines designed specifically for students, to use visual tools and to teach students to critically evaluate search results.

When students are able to evaluate search results they are able to avoid troublesome internet content such as misinformation, malinformation, messed-up information and mostly useless information.they should be evaluating for several different characteristics, but the characteristic that stands out above all in my opinion is accuracy. If a site cannot pose facts with accuracy then they cannot be a credible source therefore other criterion is immediately thrown out. With these evaluating factors in mind students are able to further evaluate a website’s credibility by the URL.
Image result for cyber bullying

I think the value of internet users behaving as responsible digital citizens is seriously under credited in our society in a multitude of different contexts. On one side there is the disservice of plagiarism and cheating; both allowing the student to cut corners and deceptively pass off information as their own, and then there is the issue of being able to hide behind the computer screen. Over the last few years there are more and more cases of cyberbullying that are becoming so serious that students are choosing to take their own lives rather than face the torment of their peers. There are arguments that cyberbullying isn’t as severe as bullying in the real world, but what students don’t understand is that once something goes up on the internet, there is no deleting it. Students must be taught, above all, to be responsible online and how to safely and effectively use the internet and technology.  


  1. Nesrin,

    First of all, I love your layout of your blog as it is really eye catching but easy to follow. Reading this post made me understand how crucial cyber bullying is, especially because it is easy and convenient for bully use. I also mentioned that unfortunately when technology use is increasing, so it cyber bullying. I really like how you mentioned that students have to be taught to be responsible and safe on the Internet as the first basics before learning more about the Internet.

    -Olivia Marchelska

  2. Hi Nesrin,

    I love the graphic you chose from the Fairly Odd Parents! I liked the point where you mentioned teachers introduce certain search engines that are appropriate. In my classroom where I am currently student teaching, the students were introduced certain websites to use when researching for their essays. I also agree with you that accuracy in a website is very important because if the information is not correct, than the information does not matter and can also compromise the students work. Giving the students a list of websites to use that were approved by the teacher can help with the issue of information being accuracy. Cyber bullying is a prevalent problem in schools, students used to be able to escape bullying when they get home but now there is no escape because of technology.

  3. After our class the students finding age websites is only part of the issue right? It's worrying about the information being inaccurate, biased and down right disgusting!
